Every Day Can Be A Pay It Forward Day
(Re-post from The Wellness Universe featured blog on January 3, 2017) During the holiday season, someone will get the urge to perform a...

I Love You...No Matter What
Do you really need approval or is it a cry for love?

Sugar....You are SO Busted!!!
How did our love affair with sugar get so out of hand? Besides the fact that it makes everything taste good, sugary foods are constantly...

The Energy of Conflict - Part 2
In Part 1 of The Energy of Conflict, we discussed how listening to each other, looking for what people are not saying, and asking...

THIS is 50! - Childhood Memories
Something unusual caught my eye as I drove into the grocery store parking lot today. It was the Oscar Mayer wienermobile! Immediately...

There is always so much to be grateful for and this time of year seems to bring that out in everyone. I subscribe to a number of...

THIS is 50!
If someone would have said to me years ago that my life would really begin at 50, I would have told them to they were crazy. 50? Really?...

Life’s Little Rewards - Good or Bad?
Last week, I started thinking about what’s different about where I’m at in my health journey now as compared to say, 3 or 4 years ago. ...

It Takes a Village, Literally!
I know you’ve all heard the saying, “It takes a village,” especially in reference to raising a family. Have you thought about how it may...

The Blame Game
As I was raking leaves for the last time this season, an analogy came to mind and made me laugh out loud. The scene was someone with a...