THIS is 50!

If someone would have said to me years ago that my life would really begin at 50, I would have told them to they were crazy. 50? Really? And why do I have to wait that long?!?! Let me just say that it’s definitely been worth the wait!
It all started last December when I decided to move to Las Vegas. I know what you’re thinking. Why Vegas? Believe me, I asked myself the same question. My prior experience with Las Vegas was either just coming in for a convention or quick vacation on the way to the Grand Canyon. The thought of living in a city full of gambling and tourists sounded horrible. I prayed for guidance, signs, and confirmation that this is truly what I needed to do. All signs still pointed to Las Vegas, so I either sold, donated, or left any belongings that didn’t fit into my car or suitcase, spent Christmas with my family, then began my journey.
What has ensued since is my own version of, “Eat, Pray, Love.” Some of it fun, some downright heart wrenching. More importantly, it was all necessary to get to the point I’m at right now. So when you hear me say, “#This is 50!” its not like, “UGH, this is 50,” its “YAY! Zippedeedooda, THIS IS 50! This is what its supposed to look like!” I have my health, discovered the REAL Vegas (yes, there is life outside The Strip!), became an entrepreneur, and most importantly, have gotten to know who I really am, what brings me joy, found my voice, and am truly grateful for every moment of this wonderful life and for the people who have been there along the way..
Part of my purpose is to help others find what brings them joy and to help inspire people to do what makes them happy. This blog is going to chronicle my 50th year on this planet and hopefully get more people to realize that if you haven’t really lived up to this point in your life, there’s still time. It’s never too late, you just need to take one small step, then another, and there are others out there who will be there to support and uplift you along the way.
It’s up to you. Are you ready? Let’s go!
If this article resonated with you or you have questions, would like more information, or know you have energy to clear in your existing relationships, please feel free to contact Ann M. Bordeleau at or call 603-318-1154. You can also follow Ann on Facebook and visit her website: