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Ann M. Bordeleau


Licensed Massage Therapist (NH & MA)

Master Energy Communicator

Certified Health Coach (CHC) 

Reiki Master Teacher (RMT)

Therapeutic Massage & Reflexology  -  Energy Communication & Clearing   -   Spiritual Teacher   -  Author



For anyone on the outside looking in, my resume is a broad spectrum of occupations. From fast food to retail to banking, then travel, to technology, part-time cake decorator, to healthcare to working in a warehouse.  All of these jobs had elements of fun while allowing me to help people in a number of different ways. The problem was they just weren’t feeding my soul and there was a strong feeling that my true passion was still out there.


My "AHA" moment


During my divorce, I chose to refocus my life, especially spiritually.  That time period was wrought with huge changes and I was faced with lots of difficult decisions.  Physically, I weighed the most ever in my life and that added to the feelings of unworthiness and self-loathing.  Emotionally and mentally, I was completely exhausted and I was left feeling spiritually ungrounded and unsure of what to do next.  There was a very cathartic period after the divorce though that allowed me to process and sort through everything that had happened and helped me focus more on my faith.  Strengthening my direct, one-on-one conversation with the Divine Source really opened my eyes. I could see patterns where my intuition had been trying to get my attention and the results that followed when I ignored the guidance.


Energy Work = Big Milestone

I’ve always felt “different” and knew my purpose here included a huge calling to create change on a global scale, just didn’t really know exactly what to do or how to do it.  My energy journey started by taking a Reiki class.  I had heard the word, Reiki, and was curious.  The moment I walked over the threshold into the holistic center to attend a Reiki preview, my hands felt like they were on fire.  It immediately resonated with me and I signed up for the class.  Finally, something that felt familiar and “right.”  Reiki also opened up the Divine abilities that I had shut down as a pre-teen.  After the class, I was practicing Reiki on my parents and my dad’s friend, Joe, who had passed years before, was suddenly standing in front of me in spirit.  I wasn’t scared, just curious, and enjoyed watching Joe try to make my dad laugh. 


I went back to the Reiki Master and she said what I was experiencing was outside her scope of expertise and I found myself desperately seeking answers.  As always, when the student is ready, the Master appears. I was guided to a Reiki share group facilitated by Mediums who were able to answer my questions and teach me a lot.  The thirst for knowledge propelled me forward and put teachers on my path that would help me learn valuable lessons along the way.  The most impactful was studying energy clearing.  My mentor, Rachael, is an extraordinary woman and clearer and I will be forever grateful to her for opening me up to the clearing world.  Clearing is energy work that I can only best describe as Reiki on steroids, and I say that with much love and respect for Reiki.  Energy clearing really digs down to the root cause of dysfunctional energy so the seed can be found and removed.  The results are phenomenal in that there’s an overwhelming sense of freedom, clarity, focus and the healing is very profound.


That clarity and freedom from a clearing session resonated with me on a deep level because a clearer can only clear others to the level that they themselves have cleared personally.  The desire to help as many people clear as possible is what continually fuels me to clear myself daily. One of the revelations that came from clearing involved my love-hate relationship with food. As an emotional eater since childhood, there were a lot of triggers or signs like stress, boredom, depression, anxiety, and low self-worth that I was finally able to recognize.  Yes, there were many times growing up where I decided to change that and make positive choices, ate healthier foods, got more exercise, and those worked for a short time, but nothing really seemed to “stick” and I always ended up back at square one.  Understanding that it’s about the energy has led me to finally figure out the root cause of why I eat and put me on the right path to losing the weight once and for all.


Why I Love What I Do


Energy clearing has taken me from a person living in a world that was out of balance, full of fear and lack, to a warrior who would fight for my true self and be able to find my passion in life. The true core of my coaching work is self-care and being your own health advocate which entails clearing and aligning all 4 bodies (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) in order for YOU to co-create solutions with your own Spiritual Team to get the clarity, focus, joy, and freedom you have been missing in your life.  It’s what keeps me looking forward to waking up every day and I’m very grateful to have been given these Divine gifts of mediumship and energy communication and the permission to share with the world.


Does any of this resonate with you?  If you've read this far, then Divine intervention is working on your behalf, prompting you to say, "It's my time."  No more excuses!


Let’s face it when you’re happy, you want to shout out from the rooftops! Just imagine the beautiful ripple effect that expands out from your own circle of influence, to across the globe and beyond.   


Take the first step and contact me today.

































*These services are not designed to diagnose or treat serious illness.  Please contact your local physician for any life-threatening symptoms or dial 911 for emergency care.  I am not a medical doctor, dietician, nor nutritionist. I do not hold a degree in medicine, dietetics, or nutrition. I make no claims to any specialized medical training, nor do I dispense medical advice or prescriptions. This content is not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases. It is intended to be provided for informational, educational, and self-empowerment purposes ONLY. Please consult with your doctor or wellness team if you have any questions about beginning any health program and then make your own well-informed decisions based upon what is best for your unique genetics, culture, conditions, and stage of life. 




















































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